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Letter's Of Reference:


Dan Tomberlin, Instructor, Graphic Design Department                                          June 20, 2009
William Greer has asked me to write a letter of reference in support of his final portfolio. It is a pleasure for me to do this as I believe is a unique student who deserves some recognition for his abilities. He is very talented and he possesses many positive attributes which will make him successful in whatever task he undertakes.
I have known William as his instructor for the introduction to drawing and perspectives class. This class goes well beyond the strict confines of text and software and William demonstrated remarkable creative and intuitive abilities. He earned an A in my class.
William is an outstanding student. He made my job very easy, as he is extremely organized and it’s very easy to understand his concepts and his comments. And his vision in the field of Digital Multimedia Production is very well developed. I always knew that his assignments would be done before the deadline and that they would be well planned and expertly designed. He is going to be one of the top one or two students in his graduating class, I am certain.
William is a diligent worker and a very intelligent student who strives for perfection at all times. He always plans ahead and sets goals for himself, and these are things that will make him successful.
I know that he will make an excellent employee, co-worker and someday, master of his profession.
I highly recommend him to be considered for employment, grant and scholarship opportunities and wish him the best in his future academic and employment endeavors.
Dan Tomberlin
Graphics/Illustration Instructor
Letter Of Reference Continued:
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing this letter in support of William Greer.  In the two terms I worked with William he was one of the most enthusiastic, hard working, and dedicated students I had.  Moreover he was punctual, respectful, and committed to his success in school.  As someone who calls dozens of students on a daily basis, William was one of the few who unfailingly promptly returned my calls, which I took to be indicative of his aforementioned attributes.
Though William is all these things, what I most enjoyed when talking with William was his passion.  He is a true student, someone who learns for learning’s sake; this to me exemplifies what a student should be.  William’s commitment and love learning will, I believe, allow him to succeed in a multitude of settings.  Indeed once he puts his mind to something I have little doubt that he will accomplish his goal.  As someone who has worked with hundreds of students, William ranks among the top of those I have coached.
Zachariah L. Wheeler
Zachariah Wheeler
Success Coach: Westwood College
Phone (toll free) 877.227.1592   or   971.285.4415
IM: coachZachariah
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